Personal Development Retreats
Personal Development Retreats
7 day Experiences
Have you ever felt like you did not know where to start or asked yourself, “What am I doing with my life?” Maybe it’s your career, your relationships, your family, or maybe you just need a break. We all need time to stop and reconsider aspects of our existence. We need the time and space to start the process of asking ourselves who we are, what our purpose is, what our passions are in life, and how we can move toward a new understanding of self-care. These retreats are designed around the idea of wanting change in your life and needing a place to make the shift. There will be experiential activities, rituals of awakening and rebirth, guided meditations, journaling, yoga, open discussion, self-development education, and support to help you find a footing in self-work. There will also be opportunities for 1:1 consultations with any of our retreat facilitators to discuss your insights.
Personal Development Activities:
NOT all activities listed are completed at EVERY retreat. Activities are chosen by the therapists facilitating the retreat according to the needs of the participants at each retreat. A custom retreat experience is provided each time, no two retreats are the same because the individuals attending are diverse. Retreats can be repeated and each experience will be completely different.
Letting go of goals and opening up to what’s possible.
The hips hold the gate to feeling your freedom. Move, let loose, and open up to your feminine power.
We all have a gas tank that needs to be filled. Create a plan to that allows you a full tank in life.
A way to identify the areas of your life and gaps to explore.
Bringing back awareness to your body is critical to your health.
Goals don’t get us through life. Our intentions do.
Learning present moment focus has it applies to who you are becoming.
Answering the questions to help you understand how to produce move your life forward.
The root of who you are is not just your family roots. Do you know how to ground into your identity and propel your life?
Self-love, self-knowing, and being yourself. Movement for loving your body and soul.
Sometimes our life is thick with trauma, disappointment, and confusion or maybe we just feel like our life is not moving in the direction we want. Tools to thin out your life.
A process to awaken your life path and assist you in seeing what’s possible.
Sample Daily Schedule:
7:30 am- Yoga/meditation practice
9:00 am – Breakfast
10:00 am- Group discussion and daily focus
11:00 am- Breakout session #1
12:00 pm- Lunch
1:15 pm- Break
2:00 pm- Embodied Movement
3:00 pm- Daily reflection activity and Silence
4:00 pm- Break
4:30 pm-Evening Settle and Meditation
5:15 pm- Personal Time and Self-Care
6:00 pm- Dinner